Rainbow connection


Rainbow connection

We’ve always loved this song and find the lyrics to be deeply meaningful. When we happily witnessed this particularly gorgeous rainbow on our bicycle ride from our home in Miramar to the Capitol building in Old San Juan, we had to stop, breathe it in, and take a few photos. Rainbows are, indeed, magic.


San SebastiAn Street FestivAl 2020


San SebastiAn Street FestivAl 2020

Thousands of people – both locals and travelers – show up in Old San Juan to party day and night. Nearly 400 artists and local musicians set up and take part of the festival as well as dressed up characters and a parade that grows larger every year. The parade is filled with lively, bright and colorful costumes and traditional vejigantes masks. The festival is a celebration of Saint Sebastian. During the day, you will find the artisans set up along the streets selling handmade jewellery and incredible food, as well as live music and is super fun for families and kids. At night, a big stage is set up and people dance and drink the night away. The main stages are Plaza del Quinto Centenario, Plaza Colon, Plaza de Armas and Plaza de La Barandilla. Concerts start to wind down around 11pm and the bars start to shut down around midnight.


Zen Thoughts


Zen Thoughts

If a person does what is wrong, let one not do it again.
Let one not find pleasure in wrong.
Painful is the accumulation of bad conduct.

Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present.
— Buddha
