"Absolutely spotless"

When I think about someone who loves to host parties, and fixes the most beautiful and delicious food/drinks, the very first person that springs to mind is Paul. On the occasions that I've been invited into his home, I'm always greeted with an immaculately clean room, fresh linens and wake up to a healthy, inventive and yummy breakfast. But that's just Paul for you - he loves entertaining! He keeps his place absolutely spotless - but he wouldn't dream of not letting me put my feet up, relax and let him serve me a refreshing cocktail. He's lighthearted, witty, a great conversationalist and is successful at whatever he puts his mind to. Paul never meets a stranger everywhere we go (we love to travel) - loved by all! - Laura Schlehuber

"You would do well to vacation with Paul"

If I were appointed the unwieldy task of giving a Hamptons-style dinner party for the table of, say, Ina Garten, Martha Stewart, GOOP, and their other eccentric but accomplished OCD friends, my first move would be to call on my dear friend Paul to host every last detail of the affair and I'd be confident of success. Paul's attention to detail is in everything he does, but most clearly executed with an air of celebration and joy in the realm of hospitality. Over the 14+ years I've known Paul, it is his charm, witty conversation, kindness, and conviviality that stand out as hallmarks of his personality. His talent for tucking one comfortably into a vacation-idle with beautifully prepared delectables and crisp cocktails is a bonus...like, a huge bonus. You would do well to vacation with Paul anywhere in the world in any style. But a tropical paradise in San Juan is a great place to start...since that's where he is. - Shereen Khan

"His creativity is inspirational"

I have known Paul McShea for approximately thirteen years. We first met while working together in television, and quickly became very good friends. Over the past thirteen years, Paul and I have worked together on many various projects. I am always in admiration of his professional work ethic and ability to communicate and fully realize his ideas. His creativity is inspirational and his talents are many. To name a few, he has been a creative consultant and stylist for me on many photo shoots as well as the designer of my website and music album artwork. We have performed together on the stage and on television, and he always wins over the hearts of every person he meets. I highly recommend Paul McShea for any endeavour he wishes to achieve knowing that it will not only receive his own personal touch but will also be successful. - Kelly Mantle

"Paul is an exceptional host and a dear friend"

Paul is by far one of the most enjoyable people I know. When it comes to entertaining and social events, lookout! The appetizers alone will be to die for and there might even be a homemade pie involved. Can you say yummy? Paul is an exceptional host and a dear friend to me and my family. Friendly, fun, tidy and fresh always, I am so looking forward to my next stay with Paul!  - De Ivett

"The consummate host"

If I had to choose a travel BFF it would most certainly be Paul. An eye trained on finding the modern flairs in life that inspire and make me want to celebrate the joie de vive, Paul's jet setting personality and ubiquitous charm always rises to the occasion and sets the soiree in motion. No guest is more importnat than each guest in attendance. The consummate host (Martha Stewart would blush with envy), the quinessetial friend and one of the funniest and most generously honest people I've had the occasion to bring into the fold of my life! Oh our times together are probably the most unforgettable. Having him so far away is such bittersweetness. I say this only becuase now with his B&B I can have the best of both worlds: my charmingly wonderful friend plus a beachside vacation to boot all rolled into one! - Kelly Gajer

"He *is* the hostest with the mostest"

The first time I met Paul he immediately set forth on helping me organize and beautify the project I was working on. Sure it was simply staging a white sheet on a wall for projection, but with Paul, it became perfectly set, straightened and aligned. I was incredibly grateful to him then and have remained that way throughout our whole friendship. It was hard to say goodbye when he moved to Puerto Rico. His impeccable taste and class, his unwavering support and intellect, his inherit sense of doing good in the world and his deep sense of empathy for others, as well as his ability to make everything around him beautiful with class....well, no one could replace him. But I sucked it up and said goodbye. Since then I have loved seeing pictures of the food he cooks, each dish is plated impeccably and looks fresh. I salivate at the drink specials he concocts. All I know is that the minute he told me of his plans to open a Bed & Brucheon, it was like watching the last puzzle piece of the beautiful puzzle that is my dear friend, fell into place, and it was finally complete. He *is* the hostest with the mostest and I cannot wait to go stay with him in San Juan. And I highly recommend you take the opportunity to do the same. - Sagesse Graham