I have known Paul for close to ten years now. And, it's been a joy to share life together. Have you ever heard the quote, "The way you do anything is the way you do everything"? That's Paul. After being friends for years, when it came time to reinvent myself & start my non-profit & other businesses, I went to Paul to bring my vision to life & to design how I wanted to represent myself & my businesses in the world. Paul brings joy, fulfillment, generosity, consciousness, impeccability & elegance to everything he touches- to his friendships, his work & businesses, his homes. You won't be disappointed. Allow yourself to be unexpectedly & wonderfully surprised by this extraordinary host! - Marlu A. Soria

[ Marlu is an AMAZING esthetician and makeup artist- based in LA but she trots the globe (in style). Please visit: LuluLovesBeauty  ]
