"We had an absolutely marvelous time at Paul's Tropical Bed & Bruncheon. Most evenings we ended up having cocktails and appies with Paul instead of going out as he and his 2 adorable poochies were so charming! Paul baked us double lemon sea salt muffins as well as the most decadent brownies complete with lemon zest and bacon rendering. Super yummy! Our room was stylish and romantic with the mosquito netting above the bed.

Paul is very considerate and positive and truly enhances your Puerto Rico experience.

The apartment overall was very clean and well appointed. Paul is an excellent host with recommendations for everything you might want to do or see. It rained the first couple of days and as we were contemplating what to do a text came in on my cell from Paul with a list of 10 things to do in San Juan in the rain:) Paul also reminded us that only boring people get bored so of course we got out in the rain and ended up having a wonderful time. Paul is very considerate and positive and truly enhances your Puerto Rico experience. The restaurants he recommended were delicious and creative...just what we like. Without Paul and his Tropical Hideaway our Puerto Rico adventure would not have been as delightful or charming. Thank you Paul!!!"
